Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Favourite Buildings Visited – The Raas Al-Salmiya Ministry of Communication Building, Kuwait...

There are a few of these buildings around various Kuwait neighbourhoods, but this one, in Raas Al-Salmiya, is probably my favourite, possibly because I used to live in Salmiya a number of years back and came across it almost daily, but also because it's amongst the few buildings in Kuwait which, due to it (at least at the moment) not having too much competition height-wise from its neighbouring buildings, can be easily seen from a distance and viewed from all angles, allowing for an inverted panoramic view, of sorts, to develop, with its tower acting as the districts center-point. Here its extruded blockiness is an advantage, as its fragmented concrete planes capture, and almost seem entertained by, Kuwait's roaming sun that provide it with a remarkable graphical (almost 'bitmap-ish', Hugh Ferriss-like contrast and) quality, something that makes its various sides clearly distinguishable from each other when viewed from the East, West, South or North...

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