Monday, January 7, 2013

Tasmeem Lab Liaison Workshop - VCU Arts, Richmond, VA...

A few images from a recent one day VCU Arts (in Richmond) workshop run for the 'Lab Liaisons', a select set of VCU students who will be assisting the Tasmeem Lab Leaders with the running of their five day workshop during the upcoming Tasmeem - Doha event, which this year will be exploring the notion of 'Hybrid Making'...

The illustrated exercise, which was set-up by Corin Hewitt, one of the Lab Leaders and faculty at the sculpture department at VCU, asked the participants to create, through manually mixing variously colored pieces of plasticine, the matching color of a verbally described, but hidden, sample piece. Whoever got the color of their plasticine closest to the sample's color 'won' the round...

All these students, who range in study backgrounds from music, to art history, to interior design - and in experience from Foundation to Graduate level studies - will all be joining us at Mathaf for the Lab segment of the Tasmeem event... The viewing of the Labs is open to the public so, if you're in the neighborhood, please stop by Mathaf and take a look what wonders the international set of Lab Leaders and students will produce during Tasmeem - Doha's initial five days (March 10 - 14, 2013)... 

 Corin Hewitt...

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