Monday, April 12, 2010

Mosque Landscape Sketches...

Inspired by the drawings on Ghadah Al-Kandari's blog, I've also decided to include a few more recent sketches from a self-commenced, still hypothetical, project inspired by the Gulf region and, in particular, by some of the dramatic landscapes in Oman. The project is called 'Mosque Landscape' and proposes a, probably somewhat polemic, osmotic take on the integration between a system of faith, landscape, geography, geology and architecture. I'll elaborate more as the project (which doesn't have a timeline - it will be done when it 'feels' complete) matures...
All the sketches were drawn with black (and occasionally red) felt-tip, usually 0.4 mm, pens into either a Moleskine or alternate (when Moleskines haven't been available) A6 (pocket size) plain sketch books...


The PrettyGreenBullet Store said...

tom, i've always loved looking at other people's notes, illustrations, doodles and thoughts. these are no exception.

the illustrations and designs themselves are quite MYST-like (do you know the game?), and the one with the structures jutting out of the mountainside remind me of world war II when the germans invaded the channel islands. i was watching this program, and this one guy was saying how upon his return, all these buildings had appeared where before there was just nature. of course these particular buildings were quite perfunctory, but your sketches reminded me of them nonetheless.


Thomas Modeen said...

Hi Ghadah,

Cheers... I've always enjoyed looking at peoples sketches and working drawings - things that show and document their process and sequence of thoughts... There's also something nice about a drawing where one can observe details, as, unlike in photography, every decision has been made by the artist/ designer regardless of how intuitive it is... There's always a choice which has been made in what to show/ now show, how to draw/ illustrate it, what to leave out, what to emphasize, etc.

Who's Grappo..?!